Modern Advertising Antics

I was tweaking our google adwords account for InqScribe when I came upon this site:

And I thought “Cool! A review of InqScribe!”  The review was lukewarm, although they did raise some valid points. I wanted to clarify a few things so I started to look for someone to contact.

But there was no contact information. Hmm… that’s strange, usually someone writing a review wants to take credit for their work. Why are there no names?

So I did a little more poking around. is registered to a Joshua Nozzi, and its domain servers use

Transcriva, of course, is an InqScribe competitor, and is a product of, which is run by one Joshua Nozzi.

We’re happy to compare InqScribe on its merits against other transcription solutions. If Joshua wants to make those comparisons, that’s fine. But he ought to be willing to stand behind his work and not try to pass it off as a neutral review.

I should also point out that this raises significant doubts about the validity of that little “poll” Joshua is running on the blog.

As Phil Harvey used to say, now you know… the rest of the story.

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